Rice pledging hoard cleared | Bangkok Post: business - News Summed Up

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Rice pledging hoard cleared | Bangkok Post: business

The Foreign Trade Department has completed its mission to clear off 16.91 million tonnes of state rice stocks accumulated from government-sponsored rice pledging schemes. (Bangkok Post photo)The Commerce Ministry's Foreign Trade Department says it has completed its mission to clear off 16.91 million tonnes of state rice stocks accumulated from government-sponsored rice pledging schemes. Of the total, 12.2 million tonnes were edible-grade rice for human consumption, with the remainder inedible or low-quality grains. Over the last few years, the government spent about 1.8 billion baht a month, or about 60 million baht a day, in warehouse costs to store state rice stocks. The department is scheduled to propose results of the state rice sales to the Finance Ministry's audit committee next week.

Source: Bangkok Post September 11, 2018 00:20 UTC

